BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Education

Some text about the degree

The projects currently being displayed are from our current academic year. To view other years please select below.

Brad Chapman
A case study into the effect of emergency remote schooling on the teaching and learning of mathematics

The severity of the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in the closure of schools, and emergency remote schoo...

Ethan Grice-Peck
A case study into the impact of visual representations in the teaching and learning of mathematics

In mathematics, visual representations are mainly graphs, tables and diagrams. This case study expl...

Jamie Piller
A case study into mathematical anxiety amongst secondary school students

Mathematical anxiety is described as a “feeling of tension, apprehension, or fear that interferes ...

Jodie Stocks
A case study of the recent increase in non-proctured assessments in mathematics and the potential impacts of their continued use in the education system

This case study researches the transition from proctored examinations to informal assessments in a U...

Luke Lyons
A case study of how to engage students in mathematics by using financial applications

This case study explores the potential benefits of incorporating finance related activities, problem...

Tatiana Beddoe
A case study of how applicable ‘real life’ problems are to secondary school mathematics students

Applicable “real world” mathematical problems are frequently incorporated into secondary school ...